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Be careful to ensure that the message is that a hot backup requires
archivelogs, not the use of a particular utility (RMAN) requires
I'm surprised that no-one has suggested at least one other possible solution for what your requirements appear to be and that is simply taking a consistent export each night. Obviously the viability of this rather depends upon the size of data involved, but given that you've said that you can lose a days data a consistent export would seem to fit the bill as well.
On 4/5/07, <> wrote:
> All:
> Thanks to those who have responded to this issue. Based on this input,
> it's clear that sending the archived log files to the great by-and-by
> will in almost every situation lead to an unrecoverable database. I'm
> going to let my management know that performing hot backups with rman
> requires the presence of archivelogs, end of story.
> Best regards,
> =====================================
> Jim Silverman
> Senior Systems Database Administrator
> Solucient, LLC - A Thomson Company
> Telephone: 734-669-7641
> FAX: 734-930-7611
> E-Mail:
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Silverman, James (TH
> USA)
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 3:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Can Log Files Be Archived To The Bit Bucket?
> We manage several non-production 10g databases that are currently shut
> down and backed up cold every weekend. We'd like to begin backing them
> up using rman, both to avoid these weekly shutdowns and to gain the
> ability to recover to a time within 24 hours of a failure. Our plan is
> to perform Level-0 incremental backups on the weekend, and Level-1s each
> night during the week; we can live with an incomplete recovery through
> the most recent Level-1 available.
> To enable this, we'll need to convert the databases to ARCHIVELOG mode.
> However, we don't want to have to deal with managing archivelog space,
> since we often generate a lot of redo that, per the recovery scenario
> described above, will never be applied. As a result, we'd like to set
> up our environment such that the archiver's output is not saved
> anywhere.
> We tried setting LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 to "LOCATION=/dev/null", and while
> Oracle didn't complain when we started the instance, the archiver wasn't
> very happy when it woke up. We've also considered creating a small
> filesystem to hold the log files and firing up a cron job to
> periodically clear it out, but we'd rather avoid building such a kludge
> that would accomplish nothing useful while adding another item to our
> list of maintenance tasks.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> =====================================
> Jim Silverman
> Senior Systems Database Administrator
> Solucient, LLC - A Thomson Company
> Telephone: 734-669-7641
> FAX: 734-930-7611
> E-Mail:
> --
> --
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Fri Apr 06 2007 - 07:56:30 CDT