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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Passing String Arguments to SQL*Plus from a Unix Shell
$ echo "\"'1','2','3'\""
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Uwe Küchler
Sent: Thu 29/03/2007 11:06
Subject: Passing String Arguments to SQL*Plus from a Unix Shell
Hi all,
I've scanned this list and other forums but haven't found a satisfying
answer so far:
I need to pass arguments containing the SQL string delimiter "'" to
sqlplus from a shell script, e.g.:
sqlplus user/pass @my.sql $1
where $1 should be like "'1','2','3'", so that a SQL statement WHERE clause within the script can be modified like this:
define inlist=&1
SELECT something FROM mytable
WHERE something NOT IN ( &inlist );
WHERE mycol NOT IN ( '1','2','3' );
I know how to pass arguments/parameters without the "'", but when I use
"'" it gets erased by the shell. I've tried to escape the "'" but with no
success so far.
It looks so simple but I can't find a solution. *help*
--==/ Uwe \==--
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