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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: 10g RAC Install with Raw Devices
How did you setup the raw devices ? Did you bind raw partitions to your raw devices. I'm not an expert on linux but I see you're specifying /dev/sda2 - once bound shouldnt this be something like /dev/raw/raw1 ?
I haven't had the installer complain about devices, but I have had clufvy fail on the shared storage check - but that was specific to the hp-ux platform.
Hey Guys,
I am doing a RAC install on an x86_64 RH4 box. We are using and raw devices. The SAN is a MSA 1500. The issue that I am having is during the Cluster install. The installer is complaining that all nodes can't see the raw device location that I point it to for the OCR. I can dd from all nodes to the device. Has anyone seen this before? Does anyone know what test Oracle is using to determine connectivity? Are there any other options that I should try before creating an SR?
hostName =
INFO: Query Returned: grid0
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
filename = /dev/sda2/
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Calling Query ClusterQueries10. IsItDir
PathName = /dev/sda2/
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query cfsprereqQueries10. isOHonCFS
oraclehome = /dev/sda2/
nodeList = grid0,grid1,grid2,grid3,
localNode =
Query Exception: RuntimeException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: false
INFO: Calling Query ClusterQueries10. IsItRaw
PathName = /dev/sda2/
SEVERE: The location /dev/sda2/, entered for the Oracle Cluster Registry
(OCR) is not shared across all the nodes in the cluster. Specify a
shared raw partition or cluster file system file that is visible by the
same name on all nodes of the cluster.