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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Tnanames.ora
Also - fig_concepts.htm#i490963
Limitations of Directory Naming Support with Microsoft Active Directory
In addition to Oracle Internet Directory, directory naming support is also provided with Microsoft Active Directory < ossary.htm#i1001504> . Note the following limitations:
Microsoft Active Directory can support only one Oracle Context.
You cannot create net service aliases in Microsoft Active Directory. However, you can create net service names.
You must statically configure directory server usage on
the clients. The Oracle Internet Directory Configuration will not
provide directory server usage for Microsoft Active Directory. You must
use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
ossary.htm#i1000122> .
From: Allen, Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:59 AM
To: '';;; oracle-l
Subject: RE: Tnanames.ora dir.htm#CDECHCBC
Directory Naming Software Requirements
For client computers from which you want to manage Oracle Database enterprise users, roles and domains, you must have Oracle8i Client release 8.1.6 or later and one of the following Microsoft products:
For the database, you must have Oracle8i Database release 8.1.6 or later. This is required for registering the database service as an object in Active Directory. The database can use any of the following Microsoft products:
Both the client computers and the database must be members of a Windows 2000 domain.
[] On Behalf Of Niall Litchfield
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:37 AM
Cc:; oracle-l
Subject: Re: Tnanames.ora
On 2/27/07, goran bogdanovic <> wrote:
You could use OpenLDAP on Linux, but 'small' problem is that Oracle OID .ldif-Format is different from the OpenLDAP, you need to 'change' it a bit - a lot of fun guaranteed :-)
The disadvantage of Microsoft AD is that client computers and the database server must run on windows OS.
Where do you get that last bit of information from? I'm pretty certain that it's incorrect.
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-- on Tue Feb 27 2007 - 12:01:43 CST
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