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RE: Issue with Parallel query execution

From: Cary Millsap <>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:08:23 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Am I right to sum this up as follows?

"Increasing the amount of capacity consumed by this query by 4x increases its throughput by 2x."

Or is the capacity increase really 8x, once you account for both producer and consumer PX processes?

Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
Nullius in verba  

Hotsos Symposium 2007 / March 4-8 / Dallas Visit for curriculum and schedule details...

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:34 PM To:
Subject: RE: Issue with Parallel query execution

Just to wrap up this discussion thread, this is what I found.

Oracle determines the parallel degree depending on the number of rows in the table debtmanagernewaccountc1. I have set the parallel degree of this table from 1 to 4. It now runs in parallel mode all the time. The query uses the materialized subquery using WITH clause of 9i. I have reduced the average runtime by 50%.

WITH dmnewaccountnorslrc1 AS

        SELECT dm1.marketcd, dm1.acctnodenbr
          FROM debtmanagernewaccountc1 dm1
                   SELECT 1
                     FROM customer cu
                    WHERE dm1.acctnodenbr = cu.nodenbr
                          AND cu.custtypecd = 'RS'))
SELECT   dm.marketcd, dm.acctnodenbr, ol1.nodenbr, ol1.ordernbr,
         ol1.orderlinenbr, ol1.orderlinetypecd, ol1.startts,
         NVL (msc.mobilechgresncd, ' '), NVL (msc.switchxactstatuscd, '

    FROM dmnewaccountnorslrc1 dm,

         orderline ol1,
         orderheader oh1,
         mobilestatuschange msc
   WHERE (   (dm.acctnodenbr > ' ' AND dm.marketcd = ' ')
          OR dm.acctnodenbr >= ' '
     AND dm.acctnodenbr = oh1.acctnodenbr
     AND oh1.ordernbr = ol1.ordernbr
     AND oh1.marketcd = ol1.marketcd
     AND ol1.startts <= TO_DATE ('20070109200224', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
     AND oh1.closets <= TO_DATE ('20070109200224', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
     AND oh1.closets > TO_DATE ('20050109200224', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
     AND oh1.orderstatuscd = 'C'
     AND ol1.ordernbr = msc.ordernbr(+)
     AND ol1.orderlinenbr = msc.orderlinenbr(+)
SELECT dm.marketcd, dm.acctnodenbr, ol1.nodenbr, ol1.ordernbr,

         ol1.orderlinenbr, ol1.orderlinetypecd, ol1.startts, oh1.closets,

         ' ' AS mobilechgresncd, ' ' AS switchxactstatuscd     FROM dmnewaccountnorslrc1 dm,

         accounthistory ah,
         orderline ol1,
         orderheader oh1
   WHERE (   (dm.acctnodenbr > ' ' AND dm.marketcd = ' ')
          OR dm.acctnodenbr >= ' '
     AND dm.marketcd = ah.marketcd
     AND dm.acctnodenbr = ah.parentnodenbr
     AND ah.effectivets <= '20070109200224'
     AND ah.effectivets > '20050109200224'
     AND ah.nodenbr = ol1.nodenbr
     AND oh1.ordernbr = ol1.ordernbr
     AND oh1.marketcd = ol1.marketcd
     AND ol1.startts <= TO_DATE ('20070109200224', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
     AND oh1.closets <= TO_DATE ('20070109200224', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
     AND oh1.closets > TO_DATE ('20050109200224', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
     AND oh1.orderstatuscd = 'C'

ORDER BY 1, 2; Thanks,

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Arumugam, Govind
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:13 PM To:
Subject: Issue with Parallel query execution

Dear Gurus,

I am troubleshooting one of the daily batch programs that is not requesting the right amount of parallel degree. I see this job requesting a parallel degree of 4 and getting 4. But in yesterday's run, it only asked for 2 and got 2. The degree of parallelism is set at the table level. We are on "Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production"

The job started at 21:16 and completed at 22:47, a runtime of 91 minutes running with a degree of 2. It typically runs in less than 40 minutes if it runs with a degree of 4.

I went through the metalink note Checklist for Performance Problems with Parallel Execution Note:280939.1.
The data from v$px_session is saved off to a file every 5 minutes using the query "select * from v$px_session"

 Date Time v$sysstat Parameter Name Value
 12112006 21:10 Parallel operations not downgraded 15727655
 12112006 21:10 Parallel operations downgraded to serial 17048
 12112006 21:10 Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 1162
 12112006 21:10 Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 583

 12112006 21:15 Parallel operations not downgraded 15729888
 12112006 21:15 Parallel operations downgraded to serial 17048
 12112006 21:15 Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 1162
 12112006 21:15 Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 583

The job started around here. We had a plenty of parallel server threads available for Oracle to use as seen
by "select * from V$PQ_SYSSTAT". We used up just 72 out of a maximum of 281 parallel threads.

STATISTIC                           VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
Servers Busy                           72
Servers Idle                           20
Servers Highwater                     281

 12112006 21:20 Parallel operations not downgraded 15732051
 12112006 21:20 Parallel operations downgraded to serial 17052
 12112006 21:20 Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 1162
 12112006 21:20 Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 583

 12112006 21:25 Parallel operations not downgraded 15733831
 12112006 21:25 Parallel operations downgraded to serial 17052
 12112006 21:25 Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 1162
 12112006 21:25 Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 583

   SID SERIAL#   PSID USERNAME  PROCESS      Command            STAT
PROGRAM                        Physical Rds
------ ------- ------ --------- ------------ ------------------ ----
------------------------------ ------------
   528   53832   1332 PVXDBE3A  5856         SELECT             ACTI
oracle_at_acilf510 (P034)                    0
  1332   34009   1332 PVXDBE3A  25735                           ACTI
?  @acilh508 (TNS V1-V3)           4,204
  1890   49106   1332 PVXDBE3A  5866         SELECT             ACTI
oracle_at_acilf510 (P037)               13,947
  1529   16639   1332 PVXDBE3A  5862         SELECT             ACTI
oracle_at_acilf510 (P035)                    0
  2360   24030   1332 PVXDBE3A  5864         SELECT             ACTI
oracle_at_acilf510 (P036)               14,019

---------------- ------ ------- ---------- ---------- ----------
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0000040240A4D0E8    528   53832       1332      34009          1
1          1          1          2          2
0000040241AC5F10   1332   34009       1332
000004023FAC6F98   1529   16639       1332      34009          1
1          1          2          2          2
0000040243B3DAF8   2360   24030       1332      34009          1
1          2          1          2          2
0000040243AFFA18   1890   49106       1332      34009          1
1          2          2          2          2

Is there a way for us to find out why the DOP was chosen at 2 for this query?

I would greatly appreciate any insight. I am thinking about "alter SESSION FORCE PARALLEL QUERY PARALLEL 4" through a logon trigger to force the DOP at 4 as a workaround. This will be tested in a production like environment first. Any other solutions or pointers?

Sorry about the long e-mail.


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Received on Wed Feb 21 2007 - 15:08:23 CST

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