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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Jailing a schema from PUBLIC
Rich. Rjamya
>> wild idea,
>> since public access is visible through ALL_* views, you can create local
>> ALL_* views in schema B. These would be essentially same as regular views
>> but you'd filter out owner A.
The dictionary views are just that: views for your convenience. You can tell they aren't used by the SQL engine to do name and privilege resolution - just look at the recursive SQL in a trace file which always refers directly to the underlying dictionary tables (eg OBJ$, TAB$, SEG$, PRV$ etc etc). You can't spoof it into giving you more (or fewer) privileges. So if you've granted S/I/U/D to public on your first database, the only ways to close the door are
Remote schema RA owns the views
Remote schema RB is Vendor B's schema to use
create synonym X for RA.X;
Now you have full control over what RB can see, and what DML (if any) he can do. (This doesn't include any PL/SQL API access... yet)
2) Or (as you already indicated)
Writing a script for (2) is a fairly trivial exercise; weeding out users who don't need App A (eg SYS, SYSTEM etc) is tedious (but not strictly necessary). You don't need to destroy the public synonyms; they'll be no use to B without the grants.
Option 2 is likely to be easier to set up and maintain...
HTH Regards Nigel
-- on Wed Feb 14 2007 - 02:46:11 CST
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