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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Sarbanes Oxley reporting
Jared ,
these were the reports that we were asked to provide to our auditors.
then addition was a manual column adding if the id was individual(for client/server) or generic(batch/web)
Also Details of the Profile and validity of each account having the profile and what the profile was defined as /
But wow,
your work for that spreadsheet looks really good.
We just run reports and hand a spreadsheet over every quarter .
Then go thru the run of the mill why is this account not locked etc.
----- Original Message ----
From: Jared Still <>
To: Oracle-L Freelists <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 12:48:27 PM
Subject: Sarbanes Oxley reporting
Those of you that work in the USA, or even for USA based
companies know what I'm referring to here.
I am curious what type of reporting you do to document the
tests for your SOX controls in regards to Oracle databases.
The Sarbanes Oxley legislation is rather loosely written,
leaving its interpretation pretty much open to negotiation
between a company and its auditors.
The reason for asking is that my reports have been accused
of being too verbose, or rather, have too much data, and not
enough information.
I disagree, and if anyone reading them would simply read
the instructions on the first page, they would not have so
much difficulty.
But I digress.
It would be most interesting to see what kind of reports others
are using to Satisfy SOX requirements for Oracle.
Comments on possibly improving the reports I am currently
generating would also be welcome.
The following types of reports for Sarbanes Oxley
are supplied for various tests throughout the year.
All are in Excel.
Each Excel file is for a single database.
** database_roles.xls - a list of all roles, with all privileges
granted to all roles. It is recursive, in that when a role
is assigned to a role, it can be clicked on to drill down
on the privileges. One role per page.
This one does require some guidance if the auditor is
unfamiliar with the privileges.
** oar.xls - oracle application roles - (something of a misnomer here)
This Excel file includes the following worksheets:
System Accounts: All known Oracle/Application/Busisness specific
database accounts are documented here, with the account owner and purpose.
eg. SYSTEM, SCOTT, SAPR3, FNDAPP, etc. accounts
Known Roles : Similar to System Accounts, but for Database Roles
Account Reconciliation: List of accounts in the database. Those not found
in the System Accounts worksheet are flagged in Red.
Access Reconciliation: Roles assigned to accounts. Accounts not found
in the System Accounts worksheet are flagged in Red.
Role2User: Roles assigned to users/roles, in ROLE order. Unknown accounts
flagged in red.
Role2Privilege: Similar to Role2User, but for individual privileges.
User2Privilege: Similar to Role2User, but for user/role mapping to
privileges, in user/role order.
** ora_parms.xls - database parameters report. This reports those
parameters that are deemed relevant to security. eg. REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT
** profiles.xls - report on database profiles
one page for each profile (including DEFAULT) and a page
for the function used for password verification for each profile.
** sessaud.xls - report on logons/logon attempts
basically a dump of dba_audit_sessions for the
relevant time period. Not really much use other
than as evidence of which accounts have logged on to
the database. Excel's autofilter feature makes it
easy to see the list of accounts that have logged on.
** baseline.xls - this report details what objects
have changed in the database, and when. One worksheet
for each type of object. Ideally one should be able
to trace a changed object back to a change control
Changed/new/deleted objects are highlighted in blue.
That does it for my reports. I'm looking for ideas on
how to consolidate this data into something auditor are
more likely to read without looking quite so confused
when doing so.
Discussion of how others are satisfying SOX reporting
requirements for Oracle databases should be interesting
and useful.
-- on Mon Feb 12 2007 - 18:52:38 CST
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