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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: How to find large_pool map in SGA?
Thanks Fairlie.
x$ksmls for large pool is the same as x$ksmss for shared pool and it doesn't
have addresses - only areas and sizes.
I thought that there should be something like x$ksmsp but for large pool and
I would expect it to be named x$ksmlp but there is no such X$ table. I
checked all kernel service memory x$ksm% tables and couldn't find anything
useful for large pool .
As I mentioned already, heapdump level 32 gave me what I was looking for.
I tried the to dump the heap using "heapdump_addr level 1, addr=<...>" but
"ORA-00081: address range [0x31F6DFF4, 0x31F6E038) is not readable"
I think this is not permission issue (everything must be accessible, right) but format of this heap is different than from shared pool heaps. I even tried to go via oradebug to the process that should have something to do with this area and got the same ORA-81.
Here is what I'm looking into:
Chunk 31d72ff4 sz= 2072588 freeable "krcc extent chu" Chunk 31f6dff4 sz= 20492 freeable "CTWR dba buffer" Chunk 31f73ff4 sz= 364556 freeable "CTWR dba buffer"
On 2/11/07, fairlie rego <> wrote:
> Alex,
> I don't have access to a system right now but I think x$ksmls could have
> the info u're looking for.
> Thanks
> Fairlie
> *Alex Gorbachev <>* wrote:
> Listers,
> I need to identify memory chunks (addresses + sizes) within large poolwhere certain areas are located.
> I know how to do it with shared pool areas. The total area size is in
> X$KSMSS and chunks are in X$KSMSP:
> SQL> select * from x$ksmss where KSMSSNAM = 'sql area';
> -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------
> ----------
> B70F8C88 2 1 0 sql
> area 0
> B70F8C88 19 1 12365696 sql
> area 1
> SQL> select * from x$ksmsp where KSMCHCOM = 'sql area' and rownum <= 10;
> -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
> -------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------
> B6DF9B0C 0 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FFF000 4096 recr 4095 363E9E3C
> B6DF9AD4 1 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FFE000 4096 freeabl 0 36291BE4
> B6DF9A64 3 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FFCBD0 4096 recr 4095 363FC11C
> B6DF9A2C 4 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FFBBD0 4096 recr 4095 363EDD0C
> B6DF99F4 5 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FFABD0 4096 recr 4095 3636B8BC
> B6DF98A4 11 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FF87A0 4096 recr 4095 363F34FC
> B6DF986C 12 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FF77A0 4096 freeabl 0 363E95DC
> B6DF971C 18 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FF5308 4096 recr 4095 3638906C
> B6DF96E4 19 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FF4308 4096 freeabl 0 3638906C
> B6DF9674 21 1 1 4 sql area
> 35FF2ED8 4096 freeabl 0 3636B8BC
> 10 rows selected.
> Unfortunately, I cannot find any X$ table for large pool that is similar
> to x$ksmsp. Large pool is managed differently than shared pool and has no
> LRU list for example. However, I would still expect to find large pool map
> somewhere. I tried to find something in X$KSMMEM but I couldn't identify
> there what I'm looking for.
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
> TIA,
> Alex
> --
> Best regards,
> Alex Gorbachev
> The Pythian Group
> Sr. Oracle DBA
> *Fairlie Rego
> *Senior Oracle Consultant
> <>
> M: +61 402 792 405
> ------------------------------
> Get your own web address.<*>
> Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
-- Best regards, Alex Gorbachev The Pythian Group Sr. Oracle DBA -- on Sun Feb 11 2007 - 14:53:55 CST
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