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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Oracle and DST changes
I believe there is are some errors in that article. Under the "Oracle
Database" heading it says:
"In short, a database patch and a JVM may need to be applied. Once applied, a script provided by Oracle called utltzuv2.sql will need to be run. This will tell you if any code in the db needs to be modified."
This is partially accurate, but incomplete. The truth (at least for 10.2 - I haven't researched the procedures for all versions) is that there are TWO patches for the database, one to install the updated utltzuv2.sql script and the timezdif.csv file, which are then to be used FIRST to check for any DATA (not code) that needs to be modified. Any data found by this script must be backed up into a varchar2 column BEFORE running the second patch, which actually updates the timezone.dat and timezlrg.dat files. Then the backed up data can be copied back into the TSTZ columns.
Also, the article lists pertinent Metalink notes, but it omits one that
I found to be very helpful:
406410.1 "Dealing with existing Database time zone use when updating
Oracle TZ-files"
There is also a new FAQ note for this DST issue that I think was just published today: 402742.1
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Johan Muller
Try this link - it gives a summary of the whole mess.$367
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-- on Wed Jan 24 2007 - 13:30:17 CST
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