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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Upgrade to 10G from
I strongly agree with Dennis' recommendation, but would also recommend
to take it a step further and do that before/after benchmarking on your
TEST system, long before you even consider upgrading production - and
test it thoroughly, not just a hand full of your favorite queries. Do a
full test of all business-critical functionality - multiple times, and
good load testing (mimicking real production load as closely as
possible) too. Keep a copy of your 9i database online after the upgrade
if possible so you can compare explain plans and other differences after
the upgrade if necessary, and keep a couple statspack level 6 snapshots
around from your 9i database during typical work loads also.
Yes, I think the general consensus is that is safe for production - not so sure about, and not sure about Solaris (I'm only running on AIX so far). You might want to plan on feeding it a bit more RAM for the shared pool to account for all the automagic stuff, but that of course depends on many things.
Read the 10g docs and get very familiar with the new features, especially the auto_gather_stats job, Database Console/Grid Control & AWR (unfortunately only available to you with Diag Pack license, legally anyway).
[] On Behalf Of Dennis Williams
The key suggestion was to have the users agree on key performance indicators BEFORE the upgrade. Then run some benchmarks BEFORE the upgrade and document the performance. Then, after the upgrade, confirm those benchmarks and this will help you pinpoint where your performance issues are.
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-- on Mon Jan 22 2007 - 11:23:13 CST