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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Conversion from LONG -> CLOB -> BLOB for 1 TB Table?
On 1/17/07, Nuno Souto <> wrote:
> You might need to consider a smaller block size, IF a
> large percentage of your LOBs is slightly over the 4K
> "jump to offline" boundary and nowhere near the 8K block
> size. By this of course I mean: test the smaller block
> size with real data. Start at 2K?
let say i have LOB data average 100K
how if I set blocksize for LOB tablespace is 32K? but my database wide
blocksize is 8K, how about performance?
another things are:
some LOB size per row will be vary 100MB, 500MB or even 1.2GB
how we set the blocksize in related to performance.
-- on Thu Jan 18 2007 - 07:10:48 CST