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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Oracle 24x7 shops and Patches-Upgrades.
Couldn't have said better.
Actually there is another choice. Redefine 24x7. Get creative and show
planned downtime as part of available time and include downtime as only
unplanned downtime.
Bingo - 24x7
Rajendra Pande
1000 Harbor Blvd
ITI Infrastructure
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-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of August Spier
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 10:38 AM
Cc: oracle-l
Subject: Re: Oracle 24x7 shops and Patches-Upgrades.
Eventually the end user will realize that there are three choices: good, fast, and cheap. He gets to pick only two.
The moral is: if you want 24X7 and five nines reliability, you need redundant hardware and network. No exceptions.
On Dec 16, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Dhimant Patel wrote:
> Hi Gurus,
> This seems very common issue but I am confronted with a requirement
> where we need to have 24x7 availability, no exceptions.
> There is no way we can have staging server (for patch testing
> before deploying on the production.) and we need to accommodate
> software upgrades without a planned downtime.
> I'm also wondering how shops having 24x7 availability addresses
> such issues?
> Since I'm focused solely on Oracle, I'm not aware if any database
> server allow patching/upgrading without bringing down the server?
> Is any mainstream database server offer such solution?
> Thanks,
> DP.
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