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Determining the "fuzziness" of a datafile

From: Donahue, Adam <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 13:02:41 -0500
Message-ID: <>


Is there an easy way to determine exactly the "fuzziness" of a datafile that's been restored from an RMAN back up as part of a clone operation
(meaning with a backup controlfile), without having to look at the
backup catalog itself?

That is, as far as I can tell, when a backup at time 0 is started and completes at time 100, the blocks of the files backed up in that period could reflect anything from 0 to 100 depending on when they were read. And of course we need to redo containing those changes. But v$datafile
(and v$datafile_header), as well as v$database, don't give an indication
of exactly how much redo is needed to bring the database back to a consistent state. Is there a way to say "What's your max (or min) SCN?" or is this a lower-level operation that would require tracing. I figure it must be somewhere - but I didn't see the SCN noted anywhere upon a cursory glance.


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Received on Thu Dec 14 2006 - 12:02:41 CST

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