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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Migration from 9i to 10G
Hi Oliver
Like Alex - though perhaps not as directly being english 'n' all - I'm interested in the motivation for doing single node RAC? I'd expect this to perform in the order of 10-30% worse just through RAC overhead (haven't tested this myself but have seen similar numbers somewhere and it makes sense). Is the aim to prepare the way for multi-node RAC but not do two upgrades at once? If so I'd move to single instance on 10g (R2 for preference) and then RACify the database at a later stage. If you are going to go multi-node RAC at a later stage you'll need twice as many NICs for a start, you'll also find in 10g that the use of the shared pool increases somewhat as compared to 9i, I doubt significantly but there will likely be a difference.
On 11/16/06, Oliver Jost <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Aside from the installation minimum requirements, does anyone know of
> or have metrics on some of the requirements and caveats for the hardware
> configuration (cpu, memory...)? We are moving from a standalone server to a
> single node RAC configuration.
> Any comments would be appreciated
> Thank you,
> Oliver
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Mon Nov 20 2006 - 03:21:16 CST