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If you can wait for another week you can find the answers in the booksheves. Resource Management in Real Application Clusters are discussed in greater details in chapter 11 (not the legal 'chapter 11' btw) my new RAC Book. However it may take more than a week to get the book in your hands. So here are the short answers.
For a known resource you can query the X$KJBR to find out the master node for tha resource. X$KJBL.KJBRMASTER shows the master node , and it starts with 0. You can manually remaster an object to a node using oradebug lkdebug -a <pkey>, wher pkey is the data_object_id of the object you want to transfer the mastership.
Author: Oracle Database 10g RAC Handbook, Oracle Press 2006
----- Original Message ----
Cc: oracle-l <>
Sent: Thursday, 16 November, 2006 8:11:53 AM
Subject: RE: cursor: pin S - mutex Wait - in Benchmark
Thanks Gopal for responding, as always.
My Qs are Prefixed with “~~Qs~~” below
From: [] On Behalf Of K Gopalakrishnan
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 9:34 PM
Cc: oracle-l
Subject: Re: cursor: pin S - mutex Wait - in Benchmark
Data Partitions can have much bigger impact on performance in RAC as starting from 10g we do the mastering ( and dynamic remastering) at segment level. Also the L2 bitmaps have instance affinity which also helps the local node to grow (or access) the local L1 bitmap blocks.
Just see whether the local objects are mastered in the local node, or you can manually master th
~~Qs~~ How to check the same? Any Sample SQL, Link, Doc?
~~Qs~~ Is your sentence above incomplete? Are you trying to advise Manually master the Local objects in the Local Node?
-- on Thu Nov 16 2006 - 22:26:26 CST