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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: sqlplus variable
Hello all,
I strange thing happens when I set a variable in Linux.
I set the variable as SQL_UTL='sqlplus /nolog' in the bash shell.
When I do a set command to see all the variables, it looks like this:
SQL_UTL=$'sqlplus /nolog\r'
For those on Linux, how do I correct this? It works fine on my HP UX boxes.
From: Wolfson Larry - lwolfs []
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 4:27 PM
To: Wolfson Larry - lwolfs; Zelli, Brian; oracle-l
Subject: RE: sqlplus variable
You might just want to try google first like
bash export variable definition
3.2.2. Creating variables
Variables are case sensitive and capitalized by default. Giving local variables a lowercase name is a convention which is sometimes applied. However, you are free to use the names you want or to mix cases. Variables can also contain digits, but a name starting with a digit is not allowed:
prompt> export 1number=1
bash: export: `1number=1': not a valid identifier
To set a variable in the shell, use
Putting spaces around the equal sign will cause errors. It is a good habit to quote content strings when assigning values to variables: this will reduce the chance that you make errors.
Some examples using upper and lower cases, numbers and spaces:
franky ~> MYVAR1="2"
[] On Behalf Of Wolfson Larry -
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 3:11 PM
To:; oracle-l
Subject: RE: sqlplus variable
Not a "bash" guy but maybe you just need to put this on separate lines
or use a ";" (semicolon) in between
or like ksh
export SQL_UTILITY='sqlplus /nolog'
[] On Behalf Of Zelli, Brian
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 3:01 PM
To: oracle-l
Subject: sqlplus variable
Hello all,
I've been trying to script a backup that uses sqlplus /nolog as a
variable. I create the variable as:
SQL_UTILITY='sqlplus /nolog' export SQL_UTILITY
in my bash script but when I execute it I get:
': not a valid identifier
I've tried a bunch of different combos but still get the same error. Which part is wrong?
If I just type this at the command line and then echo back $SQL_UTILITY, it works. What could be wrong script-wise?
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-- on Mon Oct 30 2006 - 08:54:48 CST
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