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Re: ** keep/pin objects in sga

From: A Joshi <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:36:57 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Eagle fan,

    Thanks. I tried to look up the REFERENCE manual for 9i but could not find explanation for x$ views : x$kghlu, x$ksmss, x$ksmsp I did find v$ views listed. Can you tell where I can find the explanation. Thanks   About cursor_space_for_time : My current shared pool is 600MB. If I set cursor_space_for_time to true then I assume I will need to increase the shared pool. Any way I can compute or guess how much I need to increase. Thanks

  Go eagles.   

eagle fan <> wrote:

If you have literal sql issue, I suggest you use bind variables rather than cusor_sharing.

The parameter cursor_space_for_time is used to pin shared sql in shared_pool. You can find more info about this parameter..

For advance warning, you can check the x$ tables: x$kghlu, x$ksmss, x$ksmsp

  On 10/22/06, A Joshi < > wrote: Fuad,

     Thanks. So no short cut there. OK. So I guess we still need to do keeping of objects and sql. And put in bind variables. I assume there is some improvement in 9i in handling all this. Is there anything else that can be done to improve the sga usage and avoid its fragmentation and is there way to get advance warning when it is fragmented and could be heading for problems. Thanks     

Fuad Arshad <> wrote:

      cursor sharing still has a lot of bugs.   it depends on the environment but tom kyte also asked for the use of this only at session level rather than system level

    For efficient use of shared pool and SGA : On 9i : I assume it is beneficial to keep objects and sql in sga. Or is it not needed on 9i? I think parameter CURSOR SHARING can be set to FORCE as alternative to using bind variables and that will help SGA use but there were issues with it. I assume in 9i it is better. Any body with experience otherwise or any other catch? Thanks for your help.     

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Eagle Fan

Oracle DBA                                  

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-- Received on Mon Oct 23 2006 - 14:36:57 CDT

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