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Since MySQL allows you to "dump" data directly to CSV files you can always
dump the data and use something like SQLoader to import it into oracle, if
you want to get all fancy perl would be good choice to move the data/maybe
even create the tables.
A quick google search resulted in which seems like a good starting point as well
On 10/9/06 9:03 AM, "Richard J. Goulet" <> wrote:
> LeRoy,
> You might look at
> Their tool,
> which is free if you don't need the advanced features that are available
> for the first 30 days free as well, should be able to help you port
> things from MySql to Oracle smoothly. You may have a problem or two
> with data types, but this is pretty smart when it comes to those as
> well.
> Dick Goulet, Senior Oracle DBA
> 45 Bartlett St Marlborough, Ma 01752, USA
> Tel.: 508.573.1978 |Fax: 508.229.2019 | Cell:508.742.5795
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of LeRoy Kemnitz
> Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 11:42 AM
> To: Oracle-L Freelists
> Subject: MySQL conversion
> I just was asked about converting some MySQL databases to Oracle. I
> personally have never seen MySQL so I have no idea where to start with.
> Has anyone else done this? Can it be done? Can anyone point me to
> scripts to do it - if they exist? They are very small databases.
> If that is not easy, anyone point me to good docs on running it? I have
> been looking thru but that doesn't tell me much.
> LeRoy
> --
> --
-- Adi Alurkar -- on Mon Oct 09 2006 - 11:10:03 CDT