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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: inline views & unions & other schemas; ora bug?
well, halfway there...
both the NO_MERGE and INLINE hints work, in that I do not get the ORA-03001 error anymore (when selecting from the other user) HOWEVER, there's no data coming back.... 0 records are retrieved (vs selecting from the owner where I am getting hundreds of records).
any other thoughts?
thx much,
Jonathan Lewis <> wrote:
If you can associate the problem with particular views in certain cases, then you may be able to bypass the problem by referencing that view with a no_merge hint. This is likely to make the query run more slowly - but slow may be better than crashing.
select /*+ no_merge(viewx) */ ..
... , viewx, ....
where ...
You may even find that a global view will work in this context (though I haven't tried it) , e.g. viewQ includes viewA
select /*+ no_merge( viewQ.viewA) */ ..
... , viewQ, ....
where ...
Jonathan Lewis
The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ
Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals
hello all, I'm getting an ORA-03001 --"unimplemented feature" when I'm trying to select off a view based on other views (in turn based on other views... multiple levels, etc) containing UNIONS and INLINE VIEWS, in some pretty big ORA Apps modules.
I am **only** getting this error when querying from a different schema, and even then, it happens intermittently, on some instances, on some particular selects in a long UNION set.
I do not get the error when trying to select **from within** the owner's
I've tried to reduce the problem to the simplest tables/queries but still
cannot put my finger on the issue other than the fact that..the problem seems to
go away if I do not use UNION to pull in more sets data.... however this is
needed... I traced this to a Metalink article:
Subject: Ora-3001: "Unimplemented Feature" On Query Using "WITH" and FGAC
Doc ID: Note:361345.1 Type: PROBLEM
Last Revision Date: 15-MAR-2006 Status: MODERATED
Has anyone seen anything like this before, can this typically be
(I have query_rewrite_enabled=true, etc)
my initial thought would be to create/populate some adhoc global temporary
tables, do this preloading of a pretty huge ora apps summary beforehand....
or...fix this somehow (the part I'm interested).... or basically to turn
(simplistically speaking) a query such as
line1, 1,2,3,4,5,6 from dual (a horizontal layout) into a vertical one
in effect eliminating the current UNIONS which are causing me this current headache?
thx much,
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