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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> SOLVED: histogram oddity: Height-balanced histograms where NDV < num_buckets
Oracle Support has finally acknowledged that this is an unpublished internal
bug fixed in v11. As no other customers have reported the issue, much less a
performance issue, there are no plans for a backport.
The good news is that even though the buckets are mismarked (HEIGHT BALANCED), the density of the column matches that of a FREQUENCY histogram. At least for our situation it does.
On 8/11/06, Charles Schultz <> wrote:
> Oracle, Solaris 8
> Wondering if anyone could explain this. We have 105 SYS-owned tables where
> num_distinct < num_buckets according to dba_tab_col_statistics (see
> following query). Even weirder, some columns have 217 buckets for only 1
> distinct value (verified in dba_tab_histograms). What kind of sense does
> that make? Similarly, we have one application partition that exhibits the
> same symptom.
> select distinct table_name, column_name, num_distinct, num_buckets
> from dba_tab_col_statistics where histogram = 'HEIGHT BALANCED' and
> num_distinct < num_buckets
> order by num_distinct,num_buckets
> /
> -mystified
> --
> Charles Schultz
-- Charles Schultz -- on Wed Oct 04 2006 - 12:27:01 CDT