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Oracle-L: by subject
- out soon?
- 9207 in prod
- 9i Physical Standby (listener.ora & tnsnames.ora)
- alter system v shutdown abort
- AMD vs Xeon 64 bit
- Can't see index from package
- Drop Index takes longer in Prod than in Test
- number of transactions per minute/hour
- Oracle Partitioning
- OT: GCC compiler for Windows Itanium
- Plea for Query Tuning Help
- Please some opinion in the free partitioning for Oracle standard Edition project
- Restrict login for a particular user to be only from particul ar m achines
- Restrict login for a particular user to be only from particul ar machines
- Restrict login for a particular user to be only from particular m achines
- RMAN giving error ORA-19550
- SELECT statement issue
- Shared Disk Oracle RAC
- Use SQL*Plus 10g to connect to 9i databases
- V$ access for production support
- Last message date: Thu Sep 14 2006 - 23:24:29 CDT
- Archived on: Sat Sep 30 2006 - 14:50:02 CDT