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V$ access for production support

From: Herring Dave - dherri <>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 10:42:36 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I frequently run into situations where production support folks (basically former developers converted to support their code now in production) would like to find more information out about what's going on within the database, yet don't have access to do so. For example, one weekly process performs a rather large DELETE. Ideally they'd have access to V$TRANSACTION and V$SESSION to get basic transaction information to track progress when it seems to be running long, but I'm reluctant to start granting access to V$ views on a production database.  

Another option is to create a wrapper procedure that runs a hardcoded query against V$ views, running as privileged user. But before I go this route I thought I'd check with you all on what you've done, on what would be the "best practice" for something like this. This kind of additional access for others is new for me because normally its completely locked down. But, my current client has a rather complex setup and it'd actually help me a bit if others could perform monitoring without me having to be the bottleneck.  

Thanks in advance for any feedback/examples.  

BTW, this is for Tru64 5.1 and RHEL4 running Oracle9.2.0.6 and  


Dave Herring, DBA

Acxiom Corporation

3333 Finley

Downers Grove, IL 60515

wk: 630.944.4762

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