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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> External Table problem
Hi All,
I have some builtin java code ftp-ing files from an NT to a HP
server. The code
then loads a table as select * from external table (definition below).
The records are delimited by ^M (as they are created on the NT box).
Now to my problem.... *most* of the time everything works ok, but
occasionally we get one of
two errors:
Error 1:
ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout ORA-30653: reject limit reached ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 14 ORA-06512: at line 1
Cause (as described in the log file which was added for debugging):
KUP-04021: field formatting error for field ORDER_DATE KUP-04026: field too long for datatype KUP-04101: record 5208 rejected in file/pkg/vdcfa/home/orafa/GDF/GDF16CT_ROOT/aio-external-tabl es/
When I check the source file (and bad file), I see that the last field
ORDER_DATE, doesn't have
a terminating record delimiter (^M). BUT, when I check the other
files that ran in ok, they
also are often missing the last delimiter. I don't have consistency
PS on Error1: I want all or nothing here, so want to reject all if
there are any errors, hence
the reject limit 0.
Error 2:
No bad file created, instead an exception is raised, but in the log
file I see:
KUP-04020: found record longer than buffer size supported, 524288, in
KUP-04053: record number 5208
Again this record (5208, the last one), is missing a terminating ^M.
I have found that increasing the READSIZE fixes the problem (in my
development env), but for
how long? What combination of file size with missing ^M will cause
the problem again?
I'd like to know for sure what causes the problem *and* if its
possible to declare that the
last record can be missing the delimiter in the external table
As an aside: the source files come from an external agency, and
although the ^M *should* be
there, it often isn't. I'd like our code to be robust enough to deal
with this.
External Table Definintion:
create table aio_logistic_predlv_ext (
organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory aio_external_tables
access parameters (
records delimited by 0X'0d0a'
badfile aio_external_tables:'_aio_logistic_predlv_ext.bad'
logfile aio_external_tables:'_aio_logistic_predlv_ext.log'
>>> READSIZE 52428800 -- added to fix the problem<<<
characterset we8pc850
fields terminated by '|'
missing field values are null
ORDER_DATE char date_format date mask "DD.MM.YY"
location ('aio_logistic_predlv_ext.dat')
reject limit 0;
If I change the delimiter to NEWLINE then I get
KUP-04021: field formatting error for field ORDER_DATE
KUP-04026: field too long for datatype
i.e. the "^M"s make the field too big.
Thanks for any pointers
Endlich Sicherheit bei Computerabstuerzen - Phoenix Recover Pro.
-- on Wed Aug 30 2006 - 02:58:07 CDT
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