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Re: Seeking advice on potential 10g upgrade

From: Bjørn Dörr Jensen <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 20:04:41 +0200
Message-ID: <00af01c6cacc$6ffd53d0$6601a8c0@LENO>

We had an similar problem with some sql, where parse-time was multiple seconds. One of the 'solutions' (there must be a better way...) could be using: select /*+ OPT_PARAM('_optimizer_cost_based_transformation' 'off') */ ...

I'm enjoying the new xml-stuff in 10g (and that many bugs are fixed). Best Regards
Bjørn Dörr Jensen

  I just did my first 10g production implementation about 2 months ago and it has been smooth sailing except for a couple of queries that are performing outer joins of about 25 tables, which take 12 seconds to hard parse in 10g compared to < 1 second on the 8.0.6 database we upgraded from. I put in stored outlines to take care of this.

  I'm running on AIX 5.3 and I am using the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature (sga_target=2432M), but considering turning it off because it seems to be maintaining too much free space in the shared pool and flushing out my SQL cursors to aggressively. I'm also using the auto gather stats job, with histograms and all, but many on this list would advise you to turn this job off and gather your own stats. My basic approach in implementing this environment was to test it first with all the new auto features and see how well they worked. Our performance and stability have been excellent, so I've left them all in place.

  The one area where I've had the most trouble perhaps is with the Database Console - it hangs sometimes and I have to kill all the processes and restart it and sometimes that doesn't work until I switch the port numbers and/or restart it several times. It also takes some time just to find your way around the new interface. I haven't tried Grid Control, but from what I've heard on this list - it sounds like it's really buggy - probably just like the Database Console with a couple extra layers of complexity piled on so I could imagine it would be more trouble than it's worth unless you need the central management features for several databases. I find it easy enough to just go to a different URL for each Database Console page.

  I would recommend getting a 10g OCP upgrade book, like the one I used from Sybex, but there may be better ones out there. There are a lot of new things to learn although you might not use most of the new features, it's good to at least be aware of them so you can decide if you want to use them or not.

  Jonathan Lewis made a good post to this list back on 7/20 summarizing some common problems you might encounter in upgrading from 8i to 10g.

  One more thing - keep in mind that use of the AWR (even querying the dba_hist* views) requires a license for the Diagnostics Pack.

  All that said - I would agree with Charles that the reasons your manager mentioned are not legitimate reasons to upgrade. The only reason I would upgrade from 9i to 10g is if there was a bug in 9i that was causing you trouble and it was only fixed in 10g, or if you wanted the longer support for some reason - but if that's the issue then you might as well wait for a while until 9i is almost desupported and then move to a newer & improved version of 10g.


    From: [] On Behalf Of Charles Schultz     Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:04 AM

    From my own experience, I would have to say 10g is not ready yet. I cannot speak for Oracle Text, but the other 3 reasons your client wants to upgrade do not warrant the effort. "Overall easier DBA" is a pure PR hoax, do NOT swallow it!

    Charles Schultz
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-- Received on Mon Aug 28 2006 - 13:04:41 CDT

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