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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Big RAC Benchmark Performance Tips?
Re 1: No. Cache Fusion is no longer an issue. It's free.
Re 1: Yes. Cache Fusion is of course still a cost. It's neccessary,
therefor it is, and therfor it has a cost. You can call it anything you
like (and people do), but data partitioning still, after all these
years, minimize pinging.
Re 2: No idea. I suspect it doesn't matter one iota whatsoever. It's just "I've heard this" vs "I've heard that".
Re 3: Why would you want to disable the excellent index skip scan? Good luck with AUM and ASSM. This test can't fail, as long as you're using anything Oracle recommends.
Re 4: Forget best practices. Forget silver bullets. They work for one site, but never for another. There are only worst practices.
Good luck.
> Folks
> A 4-node RAC BIG benchmark with Oracle 10g / AIX 5.3L using a Hybrid
> Banking App. is underway.
> *Qs1 Does Cache fusion(Traffic between the nodes thru the
> interconnects) continue to be an expensive operation in Oracle 10g?*
> To minimize Cache fusion, Manually Transactions have been grouped such
> that transactions accessing different DB Server Nodes access different
> respective Table partitions (& NOT the same Table partition). Thus
> Different Object BLOCKS are accessed in different DB Server nodes.
> NOTE – Partitioning of heavier underlying tables has been done such
> that different partitions lie in DIFFERENT Tablespaces (& hence
> datafiles).
> *Qs2 Is Low Latency Protocol - LLT protocol (of Veritas) equivalent or
> something similar available with GPFS?*
> Currently default (UDP) is being used.
> NOTE - A Past benchmark done by us on SUN using VXFS (Veritas) with
> both Low Latency Protocol (LLT) & User Datagram Protocol (UDP,
> Default) showed LLT had a *98% Lower interconnect utilization* versus UDP.
> *Qs3* Any additional init.ora parameters for performance apart from
> the following which have been set?
> db_writer_processes=16
> db_cache_advice=OFF
> event='10196 trace name context forever, level 10' (to disable index
> skip scan)
> _library_cache_advice = FALSE
> _log_simultaneous_copies 256
> _b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE (as NO Bitmap indexes exist)
> _check_block_after_checksum TRUE
> _system_trig_enabled FALSE (Benchmark Has NO need for Triggers)
> _wait_for_sync TRUE
> NOTE - Standard features i.e. AUM, Tempfiles & ASSM are being used.
> *Qs4 Other best practices to deploy?*
> Will provide Statspack, Other diagnostics info. as needed.
> Thanks indeed
> *Configuration*:-
> APP & DB machines – *P5* series
> Application Hybrid – (OLTP + Batch nature of Trans).
> Oracle 10.2
> AIX 5.3
> Filesystem GPFS
> Storage Box DS8300
> Hardware RAID 1+0
> Underlying Hardware Stripe Unit Size 64 KB
> Overlying Logical Volume Manager Stripe Unit Size 32 MB (S.A.M.E.)
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-- on Tue Aug 01 2006 - 10:58:53 CDT
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