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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Data consolidation design training
Thanks for the clarification. If someone could analyze the metadata for some reporting purpose, then it might be worth putting the metadata into a dimensional model. Otherwise, it sounds like you are on top of the situation, as usual.
Dennis Williams
On 7/28/06, Sandeep Dubey <> wrote:
> Dennis,
> Thanks for the reply. Let me briefly tell you about the system. We
> have OLTP systems for document processing. A document has to live for
> 3 years. We can not store 3 years worth of data in the OLTP systems
> for performance reason, so we plan to move the data to a single
> consolidated database and delete the data from OLTP say after 3
> months. A document has a set of metadata and one - to many attributes
> call it properties. The document once archived in the warehouse can
> again be modified, voided, replaced etc though less in frequency. This
> warehouse needs to be on line 24x7 as it is supporting 27x7 OLTP
> systems.
> I haven't figured out if it will be a truly dimensional model or
> relational.
> Thanks
> Sandeep
-- on Fri Jul 28 2006 - 12:51:43 CDT