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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available
On 07/27/2006 08:17:24 AM, xiaoyan wrote:
> Does the smtp server in the Internet Information Server of Windows xp work?after start that smtp server,I add the following line:
> SMTP_OUT_SERVER=localhost
Xiaoyan, in order for the database to find SMTP server on your local machine, it is advisable to have one defined in the first place. SMTP is, as opposed to SMTM, an email protocol. IIS is a crappy imitation of Apache, which means that it is a HTTP server, not an SMTP server. IIS will not help you with email or with anything else for that matter. Gather the needed amount of money and install Apache 2.0.54. Beware of cheap imitations like IIS.
-- Mladen Gogala -- on Thu Jul 27 2006 - 07:52:43 CDT