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Hello everyone,
I use Oracle 10g R2 on Fedora Core 4, and I use password file.
The value of "os_authent_prefix" is "ops$", (default) and the os user that I'm able to login with it as sysdba using os authentication is named "oracle". (connect "/ as sysdba")
I've created a user in my database named ops$oracle with the code bellow:
create user ops$oracle identified by secret; grant create session, dba to ops$oracle;
I can connect as sysdba from a remote windows client like this: sqlplus "ops$oracle/secret_at_testDb as sysdba"
(testDb is the TNSNAME of that database in the tnsnames.ora file in windows)
but if I want to login to the database locally using the command bellow, I get "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges" error:
sqlplus "ops$oracle/secret_at_testDb as sysdba"
As soon as I remove "@testDb" from the command, it works:
sqlplus "ops$oracle/secret as sysdba".
My underestanding is if I want to connect locally and I use tnsname in the connection command, oracle will interpret it differently.
Could anyone make this clear for me that why oracle acts differently, please?
PS: For God's sake do not ask why am I doing this?
-- on Tue Jul 25 2006 - 05:24:01 CDT