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When you open a database normally, control file is read and cross verified with data file header for consistency validation. If you replace the control file with current copy of the control file, then the data files will lag behind the control file and media recovery is needed. In this case, 8355-8400 must be applied. But, Oracle will apply the changes from redo log files,without prompting for any recovery, if the log sequence range is sufficiently contained within the redo log files themselves.
You say, it doesn't prompt for recovery and updates the log sequence to 8400 from 8355. Are these numbers real log sequence numbers ? or examples that you are posting ?
Is it possible that all the activity within the past two weeks contained within the redo log files ? Can you find the log sequence #s generated within those two weeks and check how many redo files are in the database ? I think, the activity in this database is very low and /or redo log files are huge.
Riyaj Shamsudeen
Rich Holland [oramail] wrote:
> <.. lines snipped ..>
> We copy the entire database from host A to host B and open it on B.
> Everything is consistent and the current log sequence number is 8355. We
> shut down. Wait a week. Re-copy the control files & online redo from host
> A to host B. The log sequence number associated with that set of control
> files is 8400 say. Since they're the same database and we've recovered the
> control files from a point in time later than the data files, why wouldn't
> we be able to startup mount & recover database to the 8400 log sequence?
> What we saw was that 8355 was applied, then the current number was set to
> 8400 and everything was marked consistent... Even if it won't let me apply
> the redo, I don't think it should be marking the database consistent and
> letting me open it -- the data files are consistent as of a point in time 2
> weeks ago, but the control files are from today. That doesn't make sense.
> Thanks,
> Rich Holland
> Guidance Technologies, Inc.
> Cell: 913-645-1950
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-- on Mon Jul 17 2006 - 10:25:26 CDT