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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OT: find command on rhel4 not working with mtime
I've been having some odd issues with find where the order of the filters
try to put -mtime before -name and see if that helps
On 7/8/06, Steve Perry <> wrote:
> Didn't know if anyone else has run across this, but I spent 1.5 hours
> trying to get a tried and true find command to work on RHEL4 (32-bit)
> without success.
> I wanted to delete the audit files in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<SID>/
> adump that were older than 60 days. It shouldn't be rocket science
> or so I thought.
> the command was
> find $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<SID>/adump -name "ora*.aud" -mtime +60
> It was supposed to have " -exec rm {} \;", but I never got that far
> because it wouldn't return any files.
> i could use -60 and it would return files less than 60 days, but "+"
> failed to return anything. I tried ctime as well, but nothing.
> man and google didn't return anything.
> Anybody run across this before?
> I thought I'd ask before writing a perl script. Does anyone have any
> one-line perl scripts before I write a longer one?
> Thanks,
> steve
> --
-- on Mon Jul 10 2006 - 01:47:30 CDT