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Antwort: RE: Antwort: RE: Problem with LMT and ASSM

From: Markus Kuehn <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:53:44 +0200
Message-ID: <>


other segments are in this tablespace. These segments are not very large so they are using small extents (128 blocks 1 MB each), which are reused. Thinking about your answer it seems to me, that maybe I hit a bug ?! I'll think I'll give the tablespace with uniform extents a test ... and I'll open a service request. Let's see what ORACLE says about this.


Markus Kühn
LBS Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg Abteilung OI
Gruppe Datenbanken und Konfigurationsmanagement

Jägerstraße 36, 70174 Stuttgart
Postfach 10 60 28, 70049 Stuttgart

Siegfried-Kühn-Str. 4, 76135 Karlsruhe
Postfach 14 60, 76003 Karlsruhe

Telefon 07 11 / 1 83 - 2915
Fax 07 11 / 1 83 - 492915

Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 12924
Amtsgericht Karlsruhe HRA 4548

             Wittenmyer Joel -                                             
             <WITTENMYERJ_at_tusc                                          An 
             .com>                      'Markus Kuehn'                     
             27.06.2006 16:48                                        Kopie 
                                        RE: Antwort: RE: Problem with LMT  
                                        and ASSM                           

Just a thought. Since Oracle allocates ever larger extent sizes based on the amount of current space, it may not be reusing the smaller extents for the same segment. It might be insisting on larger extents because it thinks
it will need ever larger extents. Do any other segments live in this tablespace? Are they using the smaller extents (assuming that they are not also very large)? I'm wondering if Oracle would reuse the extents if the tablespace were uniform rather than autoallocate.

-----Original Message-----

From: Markus Kuehn [] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:35 AM
To: Wittenmyer Joel - CO
Subject: Antwort: RE: Problem with LMT and ASSM

Hi Joel and Salem,

no APPEND-hint in the insert statement and partitioning is not an option due to licensing costs. Any other hints ??


Markus Kühn
LBS Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg Abteilung OI
Gruppe Datenbanken und Konfigurationsmanagement

Jägerstraße 36, 70174 Stuttgart
Postfach 10 60 28, 70049 Stuttgart

Siegfried-Kühn-Str. 4, 76135 Karlsruhe
Postfach 14 60, 76003 Karlsruhe

Telefon 07 11 / 1 83 - 2915
Fax 07 11 / 1 83 - 492915

Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 12924
Amtsgericht Karlsruhe HRA 4548

             Wittenmyer Joel -
             <WITTENMYERJ_at_tusc                                          An
             .com>                      "''"
             27.06.2006 16:28 
                                        RE: Problem with LMT and ASSM

My first thought also.  And if you use 'parallel append' you can actually hear the space being chewed up J as each parallel process gets it's own extent to devour.

From: [] On Behalf Of Ghassan Salem
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with LMT and ASSM

when you INSERT, do you do it with /*+ APPEND*/? if so (it looks from your post, but just wanted to verify), then
the space deleted will not get used, as it is below the HWM, hence not used by the insert in direct mode.
The best way to do it, if possible, is to partition the table in a way that allows you to DROP the partitions instead of deleting the records. This will really free the space used, and hence let the INSERT /+ append*/ reuse it.

On 6/27/06, Markus Kuehn <> wrote:

Hello members,

sorry, forgot the subject.

We have a problem with locally managed tablespaces and segment space management auto on on AIX 5.2. The problem follows:

We created a table in a tablespace with extent management local autoallocate and segment space management auto. Every day about 150.000 records are inserted into this table. Records which are older than 90 days are deleted from the table. The delete-job runs at 17:00, the insert-job runs at 00:30, so that they are seperated from each other. No updates are taking place in this table. The first inserts created 64 extents with 128 blocks and 1 MB each. After those extents went full, 120 extents with 1024 blocks and 8 MB each were created. Now, as they went full too, extents with 8192 blocks and 64 MB each are created. Due to the deletes the lower extents from extent id 0 to extent id 90 are freed but are not reused. Instead new extents are created. This will lead to a tablespace covering all available disk-space, which is not really satisfying. An "alter table move" to a different tablespace and "alter tablespace move" to the original tablespace reduces the number of used extents. But after some time we run in the same problem again.

Anyone out there has a solution or work-around for this type of situation.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Kühn
LBS Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg Abteilung OI
Gruppe Datenbanken und Konfigurationsmanagement

Jägerstraße 36, 70174 Stuttgart
Postfach 10 60 28, 70049 Stuttgart

Siegfried-Kühn-Str. 4, 76135 Karlsruhe
Postfach 14 60, 76003 Karlsruhe

Telefon 07 11 / 1 83 - 2915
Fax 07 11 / 1 83 - 492915

Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 12924
Amtsgericht Karlsruhe HRA 4548

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-- Received on Tue Jun 27 2006 - 09:53:44 CDT

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