Environment: DB2 on IBM Mainframe
Need advice of DB2 Gurus / performance Tuning experts
In my Job Transition from Oracle Database to DB2 Database some Queries
- Can SQL Query Tuning in DB2 have a significant performance
impact on CPU Utilization like Oracle?
- Do init.ora parameters tuning in DB2 have a significant
performance on waits/CPU Utilization impact like Oracle?
- Does partitioning have a significant performance impact on CPU
Utilization in DB2 Database like Oracle?
- Does DB2 have a concept of "waits" like Oracle? If so, what is
the Statspack equivalent report in DB2?
- Does keeping Heavy/Large Object in its corresponding Unique
Tablespace have a significant impact on DB2 waits like Oracle waits?
- Does O.S./Kernel parameter tuning on "IBM Mainframe" O.S. have
a significant performance impact like "Unix" O.S.?
- Does a List similar to "oracle-l_at_freelists.org" exist for DB2
- DBA / Coding?
- Any miscellaneous performance pointers for general
- Any Good Docs, pointers, sites, Books on the above subjects?
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Received on Tue Jun 20 2006 - 08:13:13 CDT