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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: [Q] download ORACLE software??
Additionally, Oracle does not provide support for software downloaded via
No Technical Support
Our technical support organization will not provide technical support,
phone support, or updates to you for the programs licensed under this
However, support is provided (given you have a valid support contract) for software downloaded through edelivery. How can they tell? I have no idea.
In other words, if I were deploying a production database, I would download through edelivery. No sense in taking a chance.
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Fuad Arshad wrote:
> dont think there much of a difference except eldelivery is for licensed customer vs otn is for everyone.
> oracle works on the honor system (and audits )in terms of features so anything you download should have all the features now it sall depends on what features are missing and what version of oracle are you using and with that said enterpise and standard version of oracle have a different feature set too.
-- on Fri Apr 28 2006 - 16:11:59 CDT