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I totally agree with you regarding constraints and their lesser predominance in an DWH environment. However, my issue with the current design I see and work with everyday is that if there are 70 codes in a table and 8+ mil rows why would I want to load 8+mil codes and their associated desc into the same table where as I could have greatly reduced the load time if I had just split the table to fact/dim. The codes and desc I am talking about is 100% "conformed" and the design begs to have a conformed dimension. Everytime an adhoc-query dies on these table which have 25-20mil rows, we go around the rigmarole of identifying the best possible indexes for these tables. For example you can call International Currency names as a conformed dimension right ? Because the probabality of the description changing overnight is very rare and the OLTP is send me the same codes. In cases such as this what is advantage of loading my finance tables with 10+ mil rows with the USD as the code and "United States Dollar" as desc everyday ?
Raplh's DWHToolKit has always been beside me and this is what causing me heartburn :) I have read Tim's book too, as also Bill Inmon's dissertations on DWH principles and scores of others as well....
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Mladen Gogala
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:45 AM
Cc: 'Oracle Discussion List'
Subject: Re: Load and Query question
On 04/27/2006 11:24:41 AM, Shreeni wrote:
> Hi List,
> I have a semantic question in a DWH environment. At the current place I
> work, the tables have been de-normalized to such an extent that they may
> get qualified as 2NF even. Sure there are PK but they are there more to
> provide a security implementation rather than follow the relational
> priciples. Out of 200+ tables there is not one dimension or a fact or even
> one referential key. Each table has about 130+ columns out of which equal
> quantities are codes and descriptions.
> The argument in favor the current design is that joins are expensive.
> However from a DBA's perspective would you rather have a relational model
> which would help really large load volumes and get the data out there
> or go with a totally denormalized structure and don't care about when the
> data is delivered ?
> On an average day, the load takes more than 10+ hours and volumes are
> presently at 8mil+ rows everyday. The env is Solaris 9, Oracle
> Thanks
> Shreeni
Shreeni, the English word "constraint" can be translated roughly as
or "ban". Constraints are here to prevent non-conforming data from making
its way
into the database. Constraints are, primarily, logical entities which help
with keeping
your data logical. If somebody enters date of birth as 4/1/2525, then you
have to deal
with either a prankster or doctor Who. Both cases deserve special handling
so you're well
advised to prevent them from entering your database. That is the primary
purpose and the
prime directive of database constraints.
In data warehouse situation, you don't have to prevent data from entering,
data is already
checked and trusted, you are extracting data from your OLTP database,
transforming it along
the way and loading it into the DW. That process is called ETL. In the DW
you don't need
constraints, but you do need physical entities which speed up retrieval and
joins. Those
physical entities are called "indexes" or "indices", depending on your
garden variety of
English spelling. You must index your DW properly. Indexing schemes are
widely described
in various books. The best one I can think of is called "The Data Warehouse
Toolkit", by
Ralph Kimball and introduced to me by my dear friend Tim Gorman, also a
member of this list.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this book as well as Tim's own work:
"Essential Oracle8i
Data Warehousing". I'm afraid that he had less success with teaching me how
to bowl.
-- Mladen Gogala -- -- on Thu Apr 27 2006 - 11:13:19 CDT
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