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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Where should DBA's be placed in an Organization
On 04/27/2006 09:17:13 AM, Eric Buddelmeijer wrote:
> But I would include the she-dba's none the less
But of course, my statement applies to female DBA's as well. Being a guy, I usually think of a male DBA. I gladly confess to that mistake. Speaking of the battle of the sexes in the relational database arena, is there any statistics about how many male and female DBA's are there? I know of many distinguished ladies who have proven themselves over and over again like Melanie Caffrey, a member of the wooden table group, Rachel Carmichael, Bambi Bellows, Ruth Gramolini, April Wells and many, many others. They, of course, deserve a temple for themselves, even more so then their male counterparts.
-- Mladen Gogala -- on Thu Apr 27 2006 - 10:26:56 CDT