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I think most people are missing the point.
Where should they be placed in the organization?
Remember the movie "The Matrix" where Neo raises his hand and stops the bullets???
Sort of like that.
For us, it's all in a days work.
When one looks at the comments on
It says:
User Comments: Stunning and wild... (more) <>
Yea, that about sums it up, don't you think?
Michael Kline
Database Administration
Outside 804.261.9446
Cell 804.744.1545
[] On Behalf Of Zelli, Brian
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: RE: Where should DBA's be placed in an Organization
I think most people are missing the point.
Where should they be placed in the organization?
Easy..............on a pedestal.
[] On Behalf Of Daniel Fink
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 10:08 AM
Subject: RE: Where should DBA's be placed in an Organization
In most organizations I have worked with, there are 2 types of DBA, Development and Operations. In some organizations, they are combined.
Development - part of the development/project team. Supports development/test systems. More focused on design and coding. If you don't do in house development, this role may be more of Application support (installing/testing new code from vendor with some test system support)
Operations - part of the infrastructure/operations team. Supports production/pseudo-production (staging/qa) systems. More focused on backup/recovery, tuning.
To be successful, you need to have both types overlap. Dev DBAs are valuable in production support to understand how the users/application are interacting with the database system; Ops DBAs have the experience that provides valuable input in the architecture phase of a system.
Of course, it is really not a technical issue, it is one of organizational politics. It is not unusual to see Development and Operations groups that don't "get along".
Daniel Fink
Very non technical question, but I would appreciate people's views on where the DBA function should reside. In our organization we have Infrastructure support and Applications. I personally want to be with Applications as I feel we have much more to contribute, and if locked away in infrastructure we dont get to know about projects until they have been completed. We have a lot of input in Applications from evaluations of solutions, integration to working with developers. We should also be at the forefront with issues such as Datawarehousing/mining etc.. I would appreciate your views and help me make a case to present to my management. By the way we are in Infrastructure at the moment. The DBA role is changing and we need to be more proactive,
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-- on Thu Apr 27 2006 - 06:42:43 CDT