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I have been working with and presenting on rman for several years. Everyone
agrees, the latest versions of rman are terrific. It is one of Oracle
signature products. Tell your boss that you wouldn't trust such an important
task to a newcomer to the field. Most bosses would agree that one of their
top priorities is 'no data loss, ever' and minimal downtime. Rman can give
you both. With online/hot/open backups and point-in-time recovery it is
very powerful.
Since recovery is the ultimate end of any backup strategy and rman stands for recovery manager this even sounds better than a product named for wilderness. That is the last place you want to be when a disaster occurs.
Just my $0.02,
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Charlotte Hammond
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Yosemite
Well, that's a good point. I don't think it's anything to do with RMAN - he doesn't even know what RMAN is. It's more "this costs extra money so it must be better that what you get bundled with the database". Rather than just saying "no it isn't" I wanted to respond with "no it isn't because....[insert some knowledge of product]" (or even agree "yes it is" if I could be persuaded, I'm not averse to tools that make my life easier, but that isn't happening at the moment!)
> What is your boss problem with Rman ?
> B. Polarski
> The world of smenu is at http://
-- -- on Wed Apr 26 2006 - 08:51:36 CDT