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Sounds complicated and expensive. I think it actually isn't that hard
provided you do it in PLSQL. You take a list of values for a given metric
and as you go through you assign each row a "I" for increase, "D" for
decline and "N" for no change and another column might contain some sort of
value for magnitude. From that type of information it would be pretty easy
to do some analysis of # of large inclines, length of change, I
wish I only have time to work on this!
On 4/21/06, Alex Gorbachev <> wrote:
> Well, this should be called data mining things. I don't know if Oracle
> Data Mining option is just coincidently named the same or it can
> really help you.
> 2006/4/21, Ethan Post <>:
> >
> > Here is a problem. I have 300 nice pretty graphs. Some graphs are flat,
> some
> > show spikes and valleys, some show slow growth and slow decline. What
> would
> > be really nice is to find some easy way of grouping charts that likely
> have
> > correlation of some sort.
> >
> > For example, if I have a chart with a peak at 1am and 4am, it would be
> > grouped with other charts that show a spike or valley at 1am and 4am,
> since
> > they likely correlate.
> >
> > I am sure there must be some way to do this in PLSQL or SQL and I just
> > thought of this so I have not pondered a solution yet. Has anyone ever
> heard
> > of anything like this? My guess is I would profile the data for a chart,
> > then go look at all the other charts for the same "profile" and assign
> the
> > chart to a group within the current profile. A profiling the spikes and
> > valleys would be easy, but slow declines and increases, aka hills, would
> be
> > much harder to "see" pragmatically.
> >
> > Perhaps this is one for Joe Celko.
> >
> >
> > - Ethan
> >
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Alex Gorbachev
-- on Fri Apr 21 2006 - 09:30:05 CDT