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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Oracle ventures into the O/S market.....?
Quoting Tim Gorman <>:
> MS got the stuffing sued out of them doing that with the browser. With
> Oracle having such a significant market share on Windows, they certainly
> would act likewise, with a stronger case as well as precedent to back them
> up. Slam dunk.
If they ever get Longhorn - or whatever the darn thing is called this week - out, you'll probably find the database will be there, built-in. And that will earn Microsoft the mother of all lawsuits and more than likely a nice, size 12 boot off the EEC.
> Anybody with a half a brain, even just the brain-stem like a sales or
> finance person, would run screaming rather than start that all over again.
> However, none of the software vendors have ever shrunk from making money at
> the expense of a few ³security² concerns (or any other technical issue).
Never underestimate the power of sales or finance personnel to put their foot in their mouths. But yes, FUD is alive and well. And while Latehorn isn't out it doesn't hurt to have a little sprinkled about.
-- Cheers Nuno Souto from sunny Sydney -- on Mon Apr 17 2006 - 23:30:47 CDT