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I can only second Dan's impressions and expressions. All the way from
not being an OEM expert over liking 9i OEM for day-to-day operation
support ( saves remembering or looking up syntax ) to the total dismay of GC.
At 04:50 PM 4/5/2006, Daniel Fink wrote:
>I've used OEM on and off since 7.2, though not enough to qualify as
>an 'expert' (or even mid).
>The version of OEM in 9 I found to be pretty good. The basic
>functions for administration are pretty good. It has been very handy
>when putting together tasks to clean up databases. I recently
>worked with one client who used it extensively for most of the
>routine dba work (their dba was spread pretty thin and the Oracle db
>was low priority). In working with jobs and alerts, the
>functionality was decent, but the documentation was geared more
>toward a java programmer than a good ol' command line dba (that is
>my excuse and I am sticking to it).
>So...why blather on about OEM when the question is about
>GC...because I have not found GC to be better than OEM for even the
>basic functions. The first installation for my personal playdatabase
>on WinXP was less than stellar. Perhaps I had grown too familiar to
>the OEM interface, but I found it more difficult to find the basic
>task areas. On Win2k, it caused the boot time to increase and would
>often throw errors, so I removed 10g completely and reinstalled
>without GC. Much better.
>GC version 1 took away alot of custom reporting. It is supposed to
>be added back in v2, but that version is not available for all
>platforms (last I checked). We have also had a lot of minor problems
>getting it to work properly on HP.
>All in all...I had become a fan of OEM for most day to day stuff I
>would do for operations support. I'm not impressed with GC.
>Daniel Fink
Wolfgang Breitling
Centrex Consulting Corporation
-- on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 20:57:16 CDT