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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: want to stop analyze once the database is stable
On 4/2/06, zhu chao <> wrote:
> Thanks, Chris for your valuable inputs!
> Yes, we are using 2 percent analyze now. It is bad, maybe. We might
> need to adjust it to some higher value, The constriant is, the tables
> are huge and 10 percent sometimes never finish, or fail with 1555.
> But maybe those huge table are rarely analyzed, as it will be a very
> long time for those huge tables to grow another 5 percent in size. I
> do need to audit which tables are analyzed at each time.
Investigate the use of BLOCK_SAMPLE with dbms_stats.
It can make a significant difference in the amount of time that it takes to analyze. 10% is probably too much if you have large tables.
Consider testing with estimate_percent=>1, block_sample=>true
block_sample may generate statistics you don't like. It is dependant on data distrubution in the table.
-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist -- on Mon Apr 03 2006 - 17:40:43 CDT