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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> IMPORTANT: Complaint about private answers in oracle-l list
Hi :)
I can be wrong,
But personally I had seen several people who only answer offline about
database topics, and I must say very good answer that should be done
And severla of them are dbas with a very good reputation.
And this is not the exception this seems to be the rule.
This had been start to happen some months ago.
I'll ask them, to please answer to
all the list, because I think that is the reason for the list, to share
opinions and learn.
Personally I don't know which can be the reason to answer privately information that should be shared to all hte list. Maybe this is the moment to talk about this. Because if we start to answer privately all the answer in this list, I don't know if this list is accomplishing the goal of share database knowledge.
For OT questions, this could be justifiable, but not in all the other normal questions.
Thank you :)
-- on Fri Mar 31 2006 - 15:30:32 CST