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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Saving Backup Errros inside the db
I was under the impression that this was already stored or is that only under 10g and \ with central catalog? I just remember reading something about this in a tech doc \ somewhere.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On \
Behalf Of Grant Allen
Sent: 28 Dec 2005 7:34
Cc: lazydba
Subject: Re: Saving Backup Errros inside the db
BN wrote:
> Greetings,
> I would like to save the following RMAN error messages inside a table
> along with the timestamp
> RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS
> Can somebody suggest me how I can do this. I want to save the new
> lines, as they appear in the error message.
> Am I looking at a CLOB or do I have other options.
BN - others are already suggesting the post-backup shell script, but you do have options other than CLOB. You can save the new lines with some easy regex work and the ever-useful chr(10) or chr(13)||chr(10) trick (depending on your OS). This means you can opt for char or varchar2, which you might find *much* easier to use in the long run.
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