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I've been struggling with this for a day. I am trying to get dependent DDL
(constraints) for a table, and have written the following function to do it
(using literals for testing):
function get_dep_ddl (pi_table_name in varchar2,
pi_object_type in varchar2) return sys.ku$_ddls is v_ddls sys.ku$_ddls;
v_handle :='CONSTRAINT');
dbms_metadata.set_filter(v_handle, 'BASE_OBJECT_TYPE', 'TABLE'); dbms_metadata.set_filter(v_handle, 'BASE_OBJECT_NAME', 'COMPANY'); dbms_metadata.set_filter(v_handle,'SCHEMA', 'PB'); dbms_metadata.set_filter(v_handle,'BASE_OBJECT_SCHEMA', 'PB');v_transform_handle := dbms_metadata.add_transform(v_handle, 'DDL'); loop
v_ddls := dbms_metadata.fetch_ddl(v_handle); exit when v_ddls is null;
The function doesn't return any DDL in the sys.ku$_ddls collection.
However, calling
does return the constraint DDL. What am I missing here?
I've examined the output of DBMS_METADATA.GET_QUERY (called before the
FETCH_DDL call), and compared it to the query used by
get_dependent_ddl (determined
that one by tracing my session). They look identical and a trace with
binds=true showed the bind values to be the same.
Suggestions (and especially solutions!) appreciated.
-- Paul Baumgartel -- on Thu Dec 15 2005 - 15:54:02 CST