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RE: Re[2]: Instead of SUM() I require MULTIPLY

From: Anthony Molinaro <>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 12:09:17 -0500
Message-ID: <>


  MODEL ugly? What is it they say about beauty, it's in the   eye of the beholder? ;)

  Whether or not MODEL is intuitive and/or elegant depends on   your background.

  For those who've done logic programming with PROLOG or any   type of ai stuff using lisp/scheme, MODEL would be very   intuitive and it's elegance would only be ruined by the fact   that it is part of SELECT rather than being on its own.   OTOH, if you're more of a dba not a developer/programmer,   then sure, MODEL would seem unnatural (particularly if you've   haven't done any type of logic programming at all).

  I think the addition of MODEL was a great idea, just not sure   it should have been part of the SELECT syntax (this is something   Jonthan brought up when I wrote an article on MODEL for oreilly   last summer; perhaps MODEL would have been better received had it   been independent of SELECT).
  Probably would be nicer if a result set was "fed" into the MODEL   clause for processing, rather than smushing it altogether by   making MODEL an extension of SELECT.

  From my experience with MODEL, it's clear that whatever you   can do with it (even the stuff MODEL was intended to allow you   to do in straight SQL; recursive list processing,   graph processing, best-fit models, etc..),   can be done in pl/sql, so, I don't think   it will ever be the case that someone is using MODEL   to do something because it can't be accomplished in plsql.   

  If that's the case then when will it be used?   I suspect in the cases where it seems more natural   to that particular programmer and/or they wish   to accomplish the task in a single sql statement w/out   going to plsql at all.

  Better or worse? Only time will tell, but in the meantime,   I enjoy new SQL extensions as they typically open new ideas   For problem solving (even if they aren't quite practical).

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Lex de Haan [] Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 11:22 AM To: Anthony Molinaro;; 'Oracle-L Freelists' Subject: RE: Re[2]: Instead of SUM() I require MULTIPLY

yep, I agree -- MODEL is very powerful -- but at the same time, if you ask for my personal opinion, the Oracle MODEL syntax is not very intuitive and *far* from elegant. I would even dare to say that it is really ugly :-) and doesn't belong in a language like SQL.

but hey, it's there, so why not go ahead and use it. I personally prefer to extend SQL with user-defined PL/SQL functions (for the regular scalar functions that are missing) and with additional aggregate functions using the data cartridge stuff -- which started this thread. Keeps your SQL code clean and simple.

kind regards,


Jonathan Lewis Seminar

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Anthony Molinaro
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 15:48
To:; Oracle-L Freelists Subject: RE: Re[2]: Instead of SUM() I require MULTIPLY

  Thanks for the plug :)

Additionally, if you're on 10g, you can use MODEL to create a running product
which has no problems with negatives because logarithms are not used (since it
uses plain multiplication, you still have to decide how to handle nulls and 0,
but that's trivial and shouldn't hamper the readability of the solution).

For example:

create table dropme (id number);
  insert into dropme values (1);
  insert into dropme values (1);
  insert into dropme values (2);
  insert into dropme values (3);
  insert into dropme values (4);
  insert into dropme values (5);

 select id, tmp running_prod
   from dropme
    dimension by(row_number()over(order by id) rn )     measures(id, 0 tmp)
   (tmp[any] = nvl2(id[cv()-1],tmp[cv()-1]*id[cv()],id[cv()]));

SQL> select id, tmp running_prod

  2     from dropme
  3     model
  4      dimension by(row_number()over(order by id) rn )
  5      measures(id, 0 tmp)
  6      rules
  7     (tmp[any] = nvl2(id[cv()-1],tmp[cv()-1]*id[cv()],id[cv()]));

---------- ------------
         1            1
         1            1
         2            2
         3            6
         4           24
         5          120

6 rows selected.

SQL> update dropme set id = id*-1 where id in (1,3,5);

4 rows updated.

SQL> select id, tmp running_prod

  2     from dropme
  3     model
  4      dimension by(row_number()over(order by id) rn )
  5      measures(id, 0 tmp)
  6      rules
  7     (tmp[any] = nvl2(id[cv()-1],tmp[cv()-1]*id[cv()],id[cv()]));

---------- ------------

-5 -5
-3 15
-1 -15
-1 15
2 30 4 120

6 rows selected.

No one seems to be using it much (yet!), but MODEL is very powerful and allows
you to do so much with so little.
If you've done any PROLOG, you'd immediately see how cool MODEL can be.


Received on Sun Dec 11 2005 - 11:09:18 CST

Original text of this message