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Re: Effective Oracle by Design - p259 - 260 - confused,isthere a mistake?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 13:26:05 +0100
Message-ID: <BAY103-DAV14C28E5007D701E5E6F838FA6E0@phx.gbl>

Hi Norman and aothers,

Its clear now, see below for anyone interested in my mistake and the outcome....

He does:

create table emp as select * from scott.emp; variable a refcursor
variable b refcursor
variable c refcursor
alter session set sql_trace=true;

    open :a for select empno from emp q1 where ename = 'BLAKE';
    open :b for select empno from emp q2 where ename = 'BLAKE';
    open :c for select empno from emp q3 where ename = 'SMITH';
print a

    for i in 1 .. 1000

        update emp
           set sal = sal
         where ename = 'BLAKE';

    end loop;
    delete from emp
     where ename = 'SMITH';
print b
print c

At the "print b" point tracing shows that the undo is used, i.e. query = 1000, but I didn't undestand why as the loop commited all of its changes. The explanation from Tom:
"These extra I/Os where die to Oracle reading the undo infomation to, in effect, rollback the block so we would get BLAKE's infomation as of the point in time the query was oppened."

Here's where I got confused. When is the curse b "evaluated" is the point people have been pointing me to, its when its fetched, i.e. after the loop. My example, trying to simplify the example was no good as it didn't open a cursor at a point-in-time *before* the looping.

I think my old teachers at school whould have said "Read the question Tony" !!

Thanks for all the feedback folks,

PS: yes, for those who know me, I do have a long memory

> Hi Tony,
> >> Thanks for the feedback.
> Welcome.
> I'm afraid I'm a few miles away from my copy of the book so I'm unable
> to say 100% what is going on.
> However, if Tom commits in the loop (interesting thought because he
> correctly advises never committing in a loop) then all I can think of is
> that his other query was started before the data was updated. It's a
> shame he doesn't supply one of his 'time line' examples for this demo -
> he usually does and you can see what happened when and where quite
> easily in those.
> <SNIP>
> >> Maybe I've misunderstood, and its using the reference cursors he
> sets up
> >> earlier. But I can't figure that out as they before the loop "bit".
> AHA (maybe). When the reference cursor is opened, that is the time at
> which the data is required to be committed by in order to be seen
> 'directly'. Any updates since the open time will require the undo
> details to roll them back to the cursor open time.
> Maybe that's what has happened. Does he open the cursor (or call the
> procedure/function which returns the ref cursor) before he starts
> updating or after ?
> For example :
> Session B - call procedure to get a ref cursor.
> Session A - start updating with commit in loop.
> Session B - start USING data from ref cursor.
> Cheers,
> Norman.
> Norman Dunbar.
> Contract Oracle DBA.
> Rivers House, Leeds.
> Internal : 7 28 2051
> External : 0113 231 2051
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Received on Wed Nov 02 2005 - 06:26:55 CST

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