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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: VCS instructions?
> >>>We are running Oracle 9iR2 RAC + VCS on HP. We do not have
> >>>any root access and we can use all VCS commands (or at least
> >>>all that I know and need) such as hastatus, hagrp, hares, etc.
> sudo?
You don't need to be root to manage resources. Of course, open/close
configuration and add/remove groups/resource you need to be root
(maybe possible some other privileged user - don't know).
I.e. oracle unix account can manage certain service groups (onlin/offline/freeze and etc.). Which SG - controlled by our sysadmins.
-- Best regards, Alex Gorbachev -- on Mon Oct 10 2005 - 16:01:32 CDT