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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: 10.2 locations for Admin and Oradata directories
reading the ofa paper now, nowhere can I see it say put the data on the same
mount point as the software
Intuition tells most installers that Oracle database files should be
separated from other files on a system. There are concrete reasons for doing
so, among which: database files' lifespans differ from all other files on
your system; and database files will require a different backup strategy
than the other files on your system. A thoughtful naming strategy for
database files eliminates a whole class of administrative problems.
On 10/6/05, Rodd Holman <> wrote:
> Our datafile location (/oradata) is never
> mounted under $ORACLE_BASE. Keeps them nice and tidy in their own
> little/large playground.
-- on Thu Oct 06 2005 - 12:02:58 CDT