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Oracle-L: by subject
- "snapshot too old" and undo_retention
- Analyze a table results in huge num_rows count
- convert into pdf
- DBA Needed in Austin
- Dimension table load - PLSQL question
- Millisecond timer in PL/SQL
- Oracle for Windows
- Oracle RAC backup hardware/software recommendation?
- Oracle Transparent Gateway
- Orion
- PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES' must be declared
- query inventory on 9ias to find out latest patch
- Repoint Agent to a diff OMS
- RMAN error while backing up control file
- Solid State Disks for Databases
- SQL for Monitoring; log_buffer entries/growth?
- SQL Server 2000 and MS Access 2002 UPDATE anomalies
- Trick, how to pause an import process on windows
- Last message date: Sat Oct 01 2005 - 00:23:26 CDT
- Archived on: Sat Nov 18 2006 - 13:30:02 CST