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Re: Enqueue type - RO-Multiple Object Reuse (fast object reuse)

From: Riyaj Shamsudeen <>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:16:42 -0500
Message-ID: <>

 ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)

I can't think of a reason why RO would be acquired when there is no need to invalidate the buffers. Did you review the statistics section of the statspack report to see whether any other statistics is offbase indicating abnormal buffer cache activity ?

If not, turn on sqltrace and see which statement is causing these enqueue waits.

I am hesitant to think that frequent logoff/logon combined with the use of global temporary table to be a cause. Since I don't have your version, I can' t test that out either.


Riyaj "Re-yas" Shamsudeen
Certified Oracle DBA (ver 7.0 - 9i)
Allocation & Assortment planning systems JCPenney

Keith Moore wrote:

>The database is version
>The strange thing is that no objects are being dropped. And certainly not
>5180 times, like statspack shows.
>Could this be a bug that would fix? We have a strange situation
>here where the Sysadmin installs the softwarwe and then I take over. I've
>been trying to get him to upgrade to, but without success.
>It also makes it interesting when something doesn't work and you have to
>figure out what he might have done wrong.
>> RO enqueue is acquired while dropping/truncating the objects. Drop
>>/truncate will post the DBWR to flush the buffers associated with those
>>objects. While DBWR is performing this operation, foreground process
>>will wait for RO enqueue. Usually RO can be seen with CI (Cross Instance
>>invalidation ) enqueues even in non-rac single instances
>> One of the primary reason is that DBWR is slow or buffer cache is
>>too big.
>> What is surprising though, this behavior is very visible up to 9i.
>>But, in 10g, drop will simply rename the objects ( for flashback
>>feature). Clearing the recycle bin will take care of flushing the
>>buffers and so this is not a bigger issue anymore. Did you disable the
>>flashback feature by any chance ?
>> BTW, 10.0.3 looks too low of a version. So, far I have seen
>>to be a stable release.
>>Riyaj "Re-yas" Shamsudeen
>>Certified Oracle DBA (ver 7.0 - 9i)
>>Allocation & Assortment planning systems
>>Keith Moore wrote:
>>>Does anyone have information on this?
>>>We have setup a two node 10g RAC database, Oracle version 10.0.3.
>>>I ran statspack for a test and this shows up as the top wait time in one
>>>instance with 3 minutes of wait time during a 12 minute test.
>>>Interestingly, it has less than one second of wait on the other instance.
>>>Here is the statspack info:
>>>Enqueue Type (Request Reason)
>>> Requests Succ Gets Failed Gets Waits Wt Time (s) Av Wt
>>>------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>RO-Multiple Object Reuse (fast object reuse)
>>> 5,180 5,180 0 2,217 184
>>>TX-Transaction (row lock contention)
>>> 23 23 0 23 1
>>>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Received on Wed Aug 31 2005 - 16:18:42 CDT

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